Thursday, May 21, 2009

Talk about being in touch with your feminine side….


  1. this is crazy; everyone has a faminine side in him, its depends on how you control it is what matters most.
    Good creativity...

  2. hahahhahhahahhahahhahhhhahha............

  3. its a good idea but do you really think that our market here will understand it?????

  4. Hi fellows, unfortunately i didnt get to see the blog earlier, but still i can post my views on the subject, aitt?........yeah acknowledging ones feminine part is of the essence, as that itself makes a man individuate and helps grow into a mature man with a non biased perspective.......and it is important for both men and women to acknowledge the archetype of the opposite sex that is present inside them, as Carl Jung said there is anima(feminine archetype present in men) and animus(masculine archetype present in women), acknowledging the archetype of the opposite sex and taking a conscious effort to fully integrate leads to total transformation where one evolves into a mature stable individual......, yeah acknowledging our anima is a healthy thing fellows, there sure wouldn't be no sexist ,if we cud take the time and internalize this 2 cents.....Peter Kamala, Dar Es Salaam
